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Introducing Elite Digital Two Channel Gauges
AutoMeter is proud to introduce our new Elite Digital Two Channel Gauges. The Elite Digital gauges provide options to help optimize your instrumentation without compromising on the critical performance data that you need to keep your vehicle operating at its best.
Each gauge allows you to have two independent readings within a single gauge and features a bright LED seven segment display and thirty radial LED indicators. Custom alarm points can be programmed for each channel to trigger an external device that gives you a visual warning. The alarm points can also be used to make the numbers in the display blink to show the warning.
Elite Digital gauges give you more of what you need to stay well informed. Elite Digital gauges are available in Cobalt, Phantom, Ultra Lite and Sport Comp. Each series is available in a speedometer, tachometer, fuel level and voltmeter, pyrometer, fluid level, vac/boost and fluid level, and temperature.